Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Name is Bond, James BOND!

Days have passed… that too many when I saw the recent bond movie “Casino Royale”.

Wow!! Like every other bond fan, I too was disappointed. I do agree that the movie was somewhat like a common-man-could-do movie, but then, bond is not a common man.

No Gadgets, no cars… nothing!! As the movie started, my expectation graph for the rest of the movie became very high, especially after having watched the first five minutes of the movie, but then, the graph fell down like anything.

When do you expect bond falling in love? When do you expect dialogs like “Look into my eyes…” in a bond movie?? This is deep shit.

Hey hey…

I still believe that the hindi movie “Badshah” had more gadgets than the “Casino Royale” and that “Badshah” was a better movie comparatively.

Anyways, I just came up with this post as I had nothing to share just now with this world other than the fact that I want to fall in love again.

Anyways is such a beautiful word… just like “it”.

-Aseem Shakuntal


Autumn Storm said...

I've only heard good things about the new Bond movie and Daniel Craig. Haven't seen it myself yet.

kri80vt said...

hmm.. once have a look at the movie.. either you will find yourself busy watching the movie.. or busy mocking at it.. ;)