Wednesday, October 11, 2006


there are two types of people in this world..

guess what are the types..

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Heal Me!!

Heal Me…

I am getting sick…

Something is eating me up…

Heal Me… I am sick…

Heal me…

Something is eating my weekends…

Change it…

It is my work that is eating me up…

That is making me sick…

So, heal me… and kill my boss!!!!!!

Hey hey hey!!

-Aseem Shakuntal

Friday, October 06, 2006

no title

I am not begging you to love me.
I am not really even asking you.
But isn’t it alright if I cherish that hope in my heart?

If I dream of just holding your hand…
It will hurt me, not you.

I will try to keep my eyes from shining, when they see you.
And I promise I will try not to smile a special smile when you say hello.

But please, don’t ask me not to love you…

One of my very dear friends sent me these lines. And I was really touched with them. Not because I had sometime gone through this phase, but because I can feel him passing through this phase.

He will recover from this so called illness that the world nominates as love, but then, he will not be the same as he was. When he fell in love, even then he was not the one that he used to be, but he had become more sensitive, more good and more lovable.

He is one of the good things that can happen to anyone in a lifetime of four years… and I am happy that that good thing happened to me.

-Aseem Shakuntal

Project Engineer
Wipro Technologies
HDC, Hyderabad